
Factoring is a financial service, a business transaction whereby you sell receivables to a particular financial institution in exchange for money. Factoring for a company means higher liquidity and competitiveness on the market. This is a service that enables a legal person to purchase its client's receivables not are not overdue. A service fee is charged upon completing the action.

You need a valid invoice and a debtor's acknowledgement of a debt incurred. This way of financing goes in favor of the company since the business is conducted with no distractions and the company gets financial assets immediately.

We purchase the following receivables:

  • Short-term receivables
  • Receivables that are not overdue

Your advantages:

  • Increase liquidity of the company
  • Immediate payment (usually on the upcoming day upon signing the corresponding documentation)
  • Realization of better payment conditions with the suppliers and business partners
  • Insurance against the existing risk and the risk of failing to collect the payments
  • Constant cash flow
  • Increased turnover

What do we need?

The decision on the purchase of accounts receivable is based on the basic data in relation to:

  • Accounts receivable (due date, value/amount)
  • Debtor (company, address/headquarters)
  • Business relation accounts receivable have arisen from (short description of a business relation, all activities carried out so far in terms of the collection, whether a debtor is attempting to dispute the claim and the like)
  • Debtor's acknowledgement of the receivables

To help you describe your accounts receivable go to the Inquiry Form.